Laser Hair Removal Lip

Laser Hair Removal Never worry about shavers or waxing Ever again.

How laser hair removal works

Laser hair removal is a permanent hair removal brisbane treatment which destroys hairs in the active stage of growth.

The laser penetrates the top layer of skin with a single wave length of light (unlike IPL which uses multiple wave lengths) to target melanin — the brown coloured pigment in hair follicles.

The laser emits light that is absorbed by the colour in your hair and travels to the hair follicle permanently stopping its ability to grow.

Its clever technology has a cooling system to lower skin temperature before and after treatment. It’s fast and painless and is a vast improvement to old methods once used.

  • reduction in the number of hairs can be seen after each treatment. Our advanced laser is the most effective on today’s market so expect fast results. Typically, you need eight to ten treatments/six weeks apart. We will personalise a plan for you.
  • Any redness or swelling subsides quickly after each treatment so there is no downtime.

Laser hair removal costs.

See us for a free consultation and we’ll put together a plan to meet your needs and budget. Save up to 30% with our packages.


Avoid direct sunlight, shaving or exfoliating for 24 hours.